Add 1 cup of fresh diced Carrot, Celery, and onion to a 1-quart freezer-safe storage bag.
Freeze until needed
Culinarian Tips, Tricks, and Suggestions:This is a great way to save vegetables for later versus letting them wilt away in the refrigerator and eventually be thrown away. You can also freeze unused vegetables or cuttings to make stock. Carrot greens can be used as a peppery addition to a salad, used to flavor broth, or as a garnish.Once you have diced the celery and onion, don't throw the root ends away. Reuse them to grow more celery and onion by potting them in loose dirt. The celery requires a lot of water, while the onion likes the soil a little dryer. In a few days to a week, you should see new sprouts. Trim as needed and watch the plant continue to grow.